
Lattice Properties


  1. Make monotonicity the easy and default option, make non-monotonic operations the special case.
  2. Reject operations that are incorrect (would violate monotonicity/determinism).
    E.g. can’t use a order-dependent fold on an arbitrarily ordered stream.
  3. Reason about and optimize Hydroflow graphs at proc-macro time.
    What portions can be parallelized, partitioned, etc.


Introduce stream types, as a layer on top of lattice types. The stream type represents sequential information about the lattice instances, such as ordering, sorting, monotonicity, or atomization.

SeqFlow<T> is a special per-element representation of the Seq<*, T> lattice type.

Stream types are NOT automatically infered. It will be up to the user to explicitly switch between different stream types. An alternative, using Rust’s type system to infer stream types, is too fragile and more importantly cannot be used a proc-macro time which prevents goal #3. Having the user manually specify stream types ensures the scaling and monotonicity of the system will be top-of-mind, and avoids the complexity of implementing our own type inference system.

Items flowing through lattice flows are lattice points, not atoms. Not all lattices are atomizable, and we want to have a lattice-first perspective.

Stream type topology. Stream types can be cast upwards:

flowchart BT
seq["SeqFlow&lt;*, T&gt;"]
atom["Atom lattice flow???"]

del --> seq
cum --> seq
atom --> del
flowchart LR

del --> merge --> cum --> delta --> del

Monotonic function topology:

flowchart BT
any["any &quot;function&quot;"]
fun["deterministic function"]
mono["monotonic function"]

morph --> mono
mono --> fun
fun --> any

Sending bottom $\bot$ through a [lattice flow] stream should have the exact same behavior as sending nothing through.

Note: bottom in a SeqStream is not SeqStream's bottom ```rust Seq = VecUnion<Point<*, T>> Seq bottom = vec![] vec![bottom, bottom, bottom] is not Seq's bottom ```


// input: set {1, 2, 3, 4}

// map stream
input -> random_batches()
    // input: { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, { 4 }
    // the map function is a set union morphism if it acts on the atoms.
    -> map(|x: Set| if x.all(is_even) { OptionSet(x) } else { OptionSet(None) }) -> output
    // { 2 }, { 4 }

// filter stream
input -> atomize()
    // input: { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 }, { 4 }
    -> filter(|x: Set| if x.all(is_even)) -> output
    // { 2 }, { 4 }

TODO: start with cumul thing

// input: set {1, 2, 3, 4}

// map stream
    -> map(|x: Set| if x.all(is_even) { OptionSet(x) } else { OptionSet(None) }) -> output

// filter stream
    -> filter(|x: (x)| 0 == x % 2) -> output
    // { 2 }, { 4 }
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T> map(f) SeqFlow<*2, U> f: Fn(T) -> U
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat1> map(f) CumuLatticeFlow<Lat2> f: MonotonicFn(Lat1) -> Lat2
LatticeFlow<Lat1> map(f) LatticeFlow<Lat2> f: Morphism(Lat1) -> Lat2
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T> filter(p) SeqFlow<*2, T> p: Fn(&T) -> bool
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat> filter(p) CumuLatticeFlow<Lat> f: MonotonicFn(&Lat) -> Max<bool>
LatticeFlow<Lat> filter(p) Nope no meaningful filter morphisms exist. Use map (convert atoms to bot) instead.
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T> filter_map(f) SeqFlow<*2, U> f: Fn(T) -> Option<U>
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat1> filter_map(f) CumuLatticeFlow<Lat2> f: MonotonicFn(&Lat1) -> WithBot<Lat2>
LatticeFlow<Lat1> filter_map(f) Nope see filter(p) for explanation
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
LatticeFlow<Lat> debottom() LatticeFlow<Lat::Debottom> Lat: Debottom
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T> tee() $N\times$ SeqFlow<*1, T>  
LatticeFlow<Lat> tee() $N\times$ LatticeFlow<Lat>  
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat> tee() $N\times$ CumuLatticeFlow<Lat>  
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
$N\times$ SeqFlow<***, T> union() SeqFlow<*out, T>  
$N\times$ LatticeFlow<Lat> union() LatticeFlow<Lat>  
$N\times$ CumuLatticeFlow<Lat> union() LatticeFlow<Lat> Note: no longer Cumu. Mingwei: Unnatural?
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T> fold(init, f) SeqFlow<*2, U> init: Fn() -> U
fold: Fn(U, T) -> U
LatticeFlow<Lat1> lattice_fold::<Lat2>() CumuLatticeFlow<Lat2> Lat2: Default
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat1> lattice_fold::<Lat2>() CumuLatticeFlow<Lat2> Silly, equivalent to just map with convert
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T>
SeqFlow<*2, U>
cross_join() SeqFlow<*3, (T, U)>  
lattice_binary_map(f) CumuLatticeFlow<Lat3> f: BinaryMonotonicFn(Lat1, Lat2) -> Lat3
lattice_cross_join(f) LatticeFlow<Lat3> f: BinaryMorphism(Lat1, Lat2) -> Lat3
lattice_half_binary_map(f) LatticeFlow<Lat3> silly?
f: BinaryMorphismRight(Lat1, Lat2) -> Lat3
lattice_half_binary_map(f) LatticeFlow<Lat3> silly?
f: BinaryMorphismLeft(Lat1, Lat2) -> Lat3
SeqFlow<*1, (K, V1)>
SeqFlow<*2, (K, V2)>
join() SeqFlow<*3, (K, (V1, V2))>  
LatticeFlow<MapUnion(K, Lat1)>
LatticeFlow<MapUnion<(K, Lat2)>
LatticeFlow<MapUnion<(K, Lat3)>> f: BinaryMorphism(Lat1, Lat2) -> Lat3
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T> CAST SeqFlow<*1, T>
SeqFlow<*1, Lat> CAST LatticeFlow<Lat>
SeqFlow<*1, Lat> CAST CumuLatticeFlow<Lat>
LatticeFlow<Lat> CAST SeqFlow<*1, Lat>
LatticeFlow<Lat> CAST LatticeFlow<Lat>
LatticeFlow<Lat> CAST CumuLatticeFlow<Lat>
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat> CAST SeqFlow<*1, Lat>
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat> CAST LatticeFlow<Lat>
CumuLatticeFlow<Lat> CAST CumuLatticeFlow<Lat>
Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
SeqFlow<*1, T> sort() SeqFlow<SORTED<*1>, T>  
LatticeFlow<Lat> sort() LatticeFlow<Lat>  

$ \texttt{BinaryFn:}\quad R\times S \rightarrow T $

$ \texttt{BinaryMonotonicFn:}\quad a \sqsubseteq_R b,\;\; x \sqsubseteq_S y \quad\Longrightarrow\quad f(a, x)\ \sqsubseteq_T f(b, y) $

$ \texttt{BinaryMorphism:}\quad
f(a\,\sqcup_R\,b,\; x) \quad=\quad f(a, x)\ \sqcup_T\ f(b, x)
f(a,\; x\,\sqcup_S\,y) \quad=\quad f(a, x)\ \sqcup_T\ f(a, y) $

Example: join

$ join((a \sqcup b), x) = join(a, x) \sqcup join(b, x) $

$ (A \cup B) \bowtie (X \cup Y) = (A \bowtie X) \cup (A \bowtie Y) \cup (B \bowtie X) \cup (B \bowtie Y) $

Lattice cross join:

$ f(\bigsqcup_tA \sqcup \delta_t a,\ \bigsqcup_t X) \rightarrow (\delta_t a,\ \bigsqcup_t X) $

$ f(\bigsqcup_t A,\ \bigsqcup_tX \sqcup \delta_t x) \rightarrow (\bigsqcup_t A,\ \delta_t x) $

source_iter(...) -> map(f) -> for_each(|x| println!("{:?}", x))

source_iter(...) -> deltify() -> dest_stream() ....
-> source_stream() -> merge() -> map(f) -> for_each(|x| println!("{:?}", x))

Users deal with SeqFlow<*, T> or CumuLatticeFlow<Lat>

SeqFlow<*, T>
LatticeFlow<Lat> -> SeqFlow<*, Lat>
DeltaLatticeFlow<Lat> is deltification of cumulative lattice flow

   --LF<L1>--> map(morph) --LF<L2>-->
   = --LF<L1>--> Deltify() --DLF<L1>--> Merge() --LF<L1>--> map(morph) --LF<L2>-->
   = --LF<L1>--> Deltify() --DLF<L1>--> map(morph) --DLF<L2>--> Merge() --LF<L2>-->

--LF--> Deltify() --DLF<L1>--> map(Non_Morphism()) --SeqFlow<*, Lat2>--> merge() --LF<Lat2>-->
--LF--> Deltify() --DLF<L1>--> merge() --LF<2>--> map(Non_Morphism()) --LF<Lat2>--> 
source_iter([cumu]) --LF<L>--> map(f) --LF<L2>--> for_each(|x| println!("{:?}", x))

source_iter([cumu] --LF<L>--> deltify() --DLF<*1, L>--> dest_stream() ....
-> source_stream() --DLF<*2, L>--> merge() --DLF<*3, L>--> map(f) -> for_each(|x| println!("{:?}", x))

Graph display notes

1 * a = a a + a = a + a 1 * a + 1 * a = a + a (1 + 1) * a = a + a 2 * a = a + a

idempotent a = a + a

a = 2 * a

different semiring for each f

  1. a *f (y + dy) == a *f y + a *f dy

Postponement stack:

Input(s) Operator Output(s) Condition
LatticeFlow<Lat> unmerge() LatticeFlow<Lat>  
LatticeFlow<Lat> merge() CumuLatticeFlow<Lat>  
SeqFlow<*1, T> sort() SeqFlow<*SORT, T>  
LatticeFlow<Lat> sort() SeqFlow<*SORT, Lat>  

junk stack

source_iter(vec![("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("b", 1), ("b", 3)]) 
   -> fold_keyed(MapUnion<str, MaxInt>::new(), |accum, elem| { accum.merge(MapUnion::from(elem.0, elem.1))})
   // { "a": MaxInt<2>, "b": MaxInt<3> }
   -> flatten() 
   // { ("a", MaxInt<2>), ("b", MaxInt<3>)}
   -> lattice_fold(MaxInt::Bot() )//, |accum, elem| {accum.merge(elem.1)})
   -> assert_eq(MaxInt::from(3))
source_iter(vec![("a", 1), ("a", 2), ("b", 1), ("b", 2)]) 
   -> fold_keyed(MapUnion<str, MaxInt>::new(), |accum, elem| { accum.merge(MapUnion::from(elem.0, elem.1))})
   // { "a": 2, "b": 2 }
   -> flat_map(|map_union| map_union.values())
   -> lattice_merge()
SeqFlow -> filter(|x| x != "hello") ->

   -> map(|SingletonSet(x)| if x.starts_with("hello") {
      } else {
LatticeFlow<Max<BigInt>> // Max<BigInt>
   -> map(|Max(x)| if 0 == x % 2 {
      } else {
      }) // WithBot<Max<BigInt>>
   -> debottom()
   // Max<BigInt>
   -> map(|Max(x)| /* do something else */)
OptionSet<T> /* equivalent to */ WithBot<SingletonSet<T>>